Sei-Tan News!
【English Communication】アメリカの大学生と一緒に、和製英語について学ぶ Learning about Japanese English with American university students
短大生が楽しく学んでいるイングリッシュコミュニケーションのクラスに、石川県が主催するプリンストン・イン・石川プログラム(PII)で県内に滞在中の学生が来学しました。Students on the “Princeton in Ishikawa Program” (PII), sponsored by Ishikawa Prefecture, joined the junior college students’ English Communication class.
The “Princeton in Ishikawa Program” (PII) is for university students studying Japanese at Princeton University and other American universities, so they can improve their Japanese communication skills while staying with host families in Ishikawa Prefecture over a two-month period.
In this class, the teacher, who is from Australia, discussed katakana and Japanese-English words that she had difficulty with when learning Japanese, and students taught various words to each other in the form of group games.
The university aims to improve students' communication skills through English so that they will be able to cope in this intercultural society. One of the goals of the English Communication class is to enable students to communicate in a fun way using the English they have learned up to high school.
The “Princeton in Ishikawa Program” (PII) is for university students studying Japanese at Princeton University and other American universities, so they can improve their Japanese communication skills while staying with host families in Ishikawa Prefecture over a two-month period.
In this class, the teacher, who is from Australia, discussed katakana and Japanese-English words that she had difficulty with when learning Japanese, and students taught various words to each other in the form of group games.
The university aims to improve students' communication skills through English so that they will be able to cope in this intercultural society. One of the goals of the English Communication class is to enable students to communicate in a fun way using the English they have learned up to high school.
この日は、短大の授業に"星稜アンバサダーズ"の大学生たちも加わり、ランチやキャンパスツアーでもサポートしてくれました。 来学の皆さんと、貴重な機会をいただきました石川県国際交流協会に感謝いたします。
On this day, university students from “Seiryo Ambassadors” joined the junior college class and assisted us during lunch and the campus tour. We would like to thank the visiting international students, and the Ishikawa International Association for this valuable opportunity.
On this day, university students from “Seiryo Ambassadors” joined the junior college class and assisted us during lunch and the campus tour. We would like to thank the visiting international students, and the Ishikawa International Association for this valuable opportunity.
経営実務科 1年次 O・Yさん(石川県 遊学館高等学校出身)
Through today's exchange, I learned that anyone can learn Japanese and English in the same way, and that although it may not be the same as Japanese English, there are also differences in the way English is said in different countries and regions, like dialects. I also realized many things, some of which I did not yet know. Now that I know this, I will try to use it in a good way by questioning what foreigners are saying and also my own Japanese English. I enjoyed learning so much. I think it was an opportunity directly related to my growth.
From now on, I would like to create my own opportunities to interact with foreigners. Thank you very much.
経営実務科 1年次 N・Mさん(石川県 石川県立工業高等学校出身)
I learned from PII students how to explain Japanese English in simple Japanese. I realized the great role of being able to understand a language even if you were born in a different country or raised in a different environment. Today, I realized that it is more important to convey my thoughts to others through communication than to memorize English grammar as taught in school. From now on, I would like to view English as a means of conversation, rather than study, so that I can feel closer to the English language, which I felt was a barrier for me.
経営実務科 1年次 S・Kさん(石川県 小松大谷高等学校出身)
I found out that words I normally use casually are actually Japanese English words, and even if I use them thinking they are English, they are not understood by people from other countries. What I found particularly interesting was that one of the foreign students in my group was surprised when I said the word ‘sea chicken’, saying that it is a word that means ‘sea chicken’ but it is not chicken inside. I am used to hearing the word ‘sea chicken’, so I did not feel uncomfortable with the chicken part, but I thought it was a very strange word for a foreigner to hear. Some words in English and Japanese English are similar, but others have no meaning at all, and it was very refreshing and fun to learn new words while thinking about what they mean. I was able to learn how fun it is to communicate with people from different countries by sharing language and culture.
経営実務科 1年次 Y・Rさん(石川県 金沢桜丘高等学校出身)
今日の授業では、すごく楽しく交流できました。分かる単語をつなぎ合わせるだけでも、意外と相手に伝わるということに驚いたし、ノンバーバルコミュニケーションを使用し理解をしてもらえたこともあってすごく嬉しい気持ちになりました。話していく中で分からない単語もありましたが、日本語を言い換えて簡単な単語にすることで、英語にしやすくなり留学生にも理解してもらえた気がします。最初の方はお互い探り合いの状態でしたが、時間が経過するにつれ、積極的に英語を話せるようになったと思います。お互いが理解をしようとする気持ちがすごく大事だと感じたし、日本語を頑張る留学生の姿を見て、私もスラスラ英語が話せるようになりたいと思いました。もっと英語の勉強頑張ります。楽しい時間をありがとうございました。Today's class was a lot of fun. I was surprised at how much I could communicate with others just by joining words that I know, and I felt very happy that they understood my non-verbal communication. There were some words that I did not understand, but by paraphrasing Japanese words into simple words, it became easier to translate them into English, and I think the foreign students were able to understand me. In the beginning, we were both finding out about each other, but as time went by, I think we became able to speak English more actively. I felt that it is very important to try to understand each other, and seeing the international students trying their best in Japanese made me want to be able to speak English fluently as well. I will do my best to study English more. Thank you very much for the fun time.